GANYC Monthly Membership Meeting - July 11, 2018
The next GANYC Monthly Membership Meeting will be held at the Reformed Church of Staten Island on Wednesday, July 11 2018, from 6:00-8:30pm. This is one of the city's oldest and most historic churches. The present church, built in 1824, replaced the original Dutch Reform Church. And why was this church accepted as a National Historic Site? Our host for the evening, Mary Bullock, will give you insight into its importance. Please note that we are doing the meeting on the second Wednesday this month (rather than the first) due to the holiday the week before. Registration for the meeting will be open between 5:30-7:30pm, anyone arriving at 7:30pm will not be checked in.
Directions: Take Staten Island ferry. Take the #90 bus (Ramp D) to Park Avenue and Richmond Terrace. After exiting the bus, walk west (right) to Port Richmond Avenue (about one block). Turn left onto Port Richmond Avenue and continue for one block to the church.