At the February 20, 2024 Executive Board meeting, the board drafted the following proposed addition to the GANYC Bylaws.
GANYC members now have 7 days to comment, submit questions, suggestions or statements of support or dissent to the board.
Renewal of Membership - Tour Guides
The Renewal Period for tour guide membership will begin at the start of GANYC’s fiscal year, which is November 1.
The deadline for membership renewal is the date of the January membership meeting. After that, those members who do not renew will be considered lapsed, and lose all privileges of GANYC membership, including but not limited to the shutting off of their profile on, and the ability to participate in any member-only events.
Lapsed members can re-activate their membership at any time for a period of 2 years from when their membership lapses without having to re-apply for GANYC membership by paying the membership dues for the current year.
Members who have been lapsed for more than 2 years must reapply for membership as prescribed in bylaws Section 1.2.